Week Two Home Learning Rooms 11 and 12
Reading | Monday | http://instructionalseries.tki.org.nz/Instructional-Series/Ready-to-Read/Bubbles This is the link to the Bubbles audio story and also the pdf of the book. |
Tuesday | Greedy Cat Shared Book to join in with. Click on the link. | |
Wednesday | Read to your child. Talk to them about the book. Ask questions. Get them to retell the story in their own words. Can they find the letter aA in the book? | |
Thursday | Poem “Incy Wincy Spider” Can you find any of the flashcard words in the poem? Can you find the letter Aa? | |
Friday | Harry the Dirty Dog Story to listen to. Click on the link. | |
ABC | Monday | Collect items from around the house starting with the letter Aa and put them in a bag labelled with Aa.
Choose an Aa worksheet. |
Tuesday | Write the letter a on the steamy wall of the shower with your finger.
Choose an Aa worksheet | |
Wednesday | Lalilo This is a link to a free phonics programme for use on tablets, computers, and ipads.
Choose an Aa worksheet. | |
Thursday | Play “I spy” “I spy with my little eye something beginning with a”
Choose an Aa worksheet. | |
Friday | Can they find the letter Aa on packets or cans in the kitchen or bathroom?
Choose an Aa worksheet. | |
Writing | Monday | Practice writing your name. Use a capital letter to start. All the rest of the letters should be lowercase. Eg. Nicky . |
Tuesday | Draw yourself blowing bubbles. Write a sentence using the ABC and flashcards to help.
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Wednesday | Send a short email to your teacher. We will reply to you.
Whaea Nicky ntwiss@pukekohenorth.school.nz
Whaea Robyn rchavez@pukekohenorth.school.nz | |
Thursday | Trace your hands. Draw some soap and lots of bubbles. Now write labels on your picture eg. bubbles, hands, soap Listen for the sounds in the words and get someone else to write in the sounds you don’t hear. Use your ABC for help.
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Friday | Draw a picture of Harry the Dirty Dog Think of a sentence about the picture. Have a go at writing your sentence. You can use an ABC for help or your word flashcards.