Pukekohe North School

(09) 238 8552 Princes Street, Pukekohe
Pukekohe North School

Nau Mai Haere Mai

Greetings to all our readers - This site is currently under construction with a review of our design. Please keep visiting this site as this review is carried out and our new design developed. Have a great 2025. 

Welcome to Pukekohe North School’s website.

We are a full primary school spanning Years 1-8 (5 -13 year olds) teaching the New Zealand Curriculum and the Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Pukekohe North School is situated in the heart of the iwi of Ngati Tamaoho, in Pukekohe.  We offer education in both the English and Maori languages which makes the character of our school unique amongst other schools located in the Franklin District to the very South of Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Our school values are:

Be Respectful - Whakaaute mai
Be Responsible - Rangatiratanga
Be Confident - Mauri Tu
Be Safe - Haumarutia

Our teachers cover a broad curriculum with our students featuring learning within the context of:

  • Mathematics
  • Reading, spelling, oral and written language
  • Inquiry = Science, Technology, Social Sciences and Health
  • Physical Education / Sport
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Dance and Drama.
  • Music and Visual Art
  • Te Reo Māori
  • Kapa Haka

We have a modern library, extensive grounds, a junior adventure playground, a large school hall, and a asphalt and astro-turf court.

Added to this we have a splendid music suite, performance arena and the new addition of our outdoor shade structure.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing how Pukekohe North School can prosper your child’s learning.

We strive to assist each child to achieve their personal and academic potential engaging with our parents and caregivers.

Please contact the school for an appointment to meet with me.

Jim Stafford-Bush


Tēnā koutou katoa mai i Te Raki o Pukekohe

Nau mai ki to matou kura ki Te Raki o Pukekohe.  He kura tuatahi to mātou mai i ngā tau 1-8 e whakaako ana i te Marautanga O Aotearoa i roto i te reo Māori otira te reo rangatira.

Kei a mātou nui ake i te 100 o ngā ākonga i roto i ngā akomanga e rima, heoi e noho tuturu ana ki te ako i te Reo Maori.

Ka tū māia te tamaiti i roto i tona ao ake i waenga i te iwi o Ngati Tamaoho.  Ko te tamaiti te iho o te kura rumaki, ko te tamaiti te taonga o a tatou tupuna matua.  Koinei te turangawaewae e noho ana e tu ana hoki te tamaiti i roto i tenei kura.

Ko te tūmanako mai i tenei Paetukutuku ka tāea te whakautu i o koutou pātai e pā ana ki ngā whakahaerenga o te kura me o mātou whiwhinga.

Ko te manako ka tutaki i a koutou me te whakaatu i a koutou ngā āhuatanga o tā mātou kura. Kia haumaru te noho, noho ora mai.

Pai marire