Pukekohe North School
(09) 238 8552 Princes Street, Pukekohe

Pukekohe North School

(09) 238 8552 Princes Street, Pukekohe
Pukekohe North School

Duffy Assemblies

There are two different Duffy assemblies that are held throughout the year.

These are Role Model Assemblies which are held in term 1 and term 3 and then there is the Government Assembly which is in term 2.

The   Role Model Assemblies are not arranged by myself, I send in dates that suit what is going on within the school and Duffy actually send us when and the time that the assembly will be held.

The Government one is a bit more flexible with Duffy giving us dates that they suggest this assembly be held around.

How Duffy book orders are done:

  • Each class will get a Brochures for each child to look at and choose their books.

  • The first page has books suitable for 5-6 year olds 

  • The second page has books suitable for 7-8 year olds

  • The Third page has books suitable for 9 - 10 year olds

  • The third to last page is for Advanced mature readers 

  • The last two pages are Te Reo Maori titles

  • The back page is the student selection page

For Book offer one ( term one role model assembly) students get to choose 4 books but they will receive two books.

For Book offer two ( term two and government assembly) students get to choose three books but they will only receive one book.

Teachers of junior students help your class to select their book choose. This is done by giving each student the brochure to look at and direct them to the correct page. ( this is so they do not order and receive a book that is way above their reading level) you record their choice on the class order form. Please either choose for absent children or get their friend to choose for them as every child on your role at the time of ordering must get a book.

For older students teachers direct them to the correct page but do allow students to choose for lower pages if their reading level they wish.

As the school has the sample box along with the caught being good books any new children will be given a book from these. All teachers need to do is let me know before the books are given out and I will make sure you have books for them.

Each teacher will also be given stickers that are put in the front of the books and the child’s name is put on the sticker. ( please ensure this is done before books are given out)

How Duffy Assemblies will be run:

  • The date of the assemblies once know will be put up on the staff notice board.

  • Each teacher will be given your class’s books ( they arrive in a nice white box) 

  • The students who will be delivering the boxes will not leave then unless they hand them to the teacher

  • Teachers are to put the stickers into each book ( I will have a copy of your class order if you need it )

  • Each teacher is to select two children from their class who will receive one of their books from the role model. These children could have done well in Reading, class work, or could just be one of those children that always tries 100%. PLEASE MAKE SURE IT IS  DIFFERENT  STUDENTS EACH ASSEMBLY

  • There will be a special box placed in the office or staff room that the books for the chosen students books will be placed into. ( please put a postit note on the inside with the class so I can check that every class will be represented at the assembly.

  • Once the assembly is finished and your back in your class, hand out the rest of the classes books. These go home and stay home.

Encourage your students to read these books at home.

(09) 238 8552 Princes Street, Pukekohe