Enrolment at Pukekohe North School:
We welcome your interest in enrolling a child with us at Pukekohe North School.
Here is a few items that you might find useful in making a decision.
We have 12 classes at our school, Four of which are established to provide instruction of the New Zealand Curriculum in Te Reo Maori. At interview with the Principal, you will be asked which learning pathway would suit your whanau best. We prefer that students have at least 2 years attendance at a Kohanga Reo or similar before starting in our Junior Rumaki Unit
Some 300 students attend Pukekohe North School. We know all of our students therefore and whanau bonding is a strength of our kura
We offer a full curriculum and shine in cultural subjects and within the sporting arena. Our students report how much they enjoy mathematics
We are developing a very strong digital learning platform for our students that will extend and become engrained in how we teach the curriculum from 2019-2021
How do I enrol a child at Pukekohe North School?
The first step is to make contact with our school office:
Visit 57 Princes Street Pukekohe
Call the school office on (09) 238- 8552
Email us on admin@pukekohenorth.schol.nz
Complete our online enrolment form https://enrolments.linc-ed.com/apply/NZ/1453
What do I need to bring to school for the enrolment?
We would also love to meet the child if possible
What Happens Next?
Request an appointment to meet with the Principal to discuss your child’s specific learning needs and your aspirations for their learning pathway.
We enjoy showing visitors around our school.
We also would like to arrange pre-school visits for new entrant enrolments in particular-
We prefer to hold our pre-school visits as follows:
Visit 1 = 8.50- 10.30.a.m. (Tuesdays)
Aim: To learn about class routines, meet their teacher and classmates.
Visit 2 = 8.50 – 11.30.a.m. (Thursdays)- PLEASE bring some play lunch to this visit.
Aim: To consolidate visit 1 and to begin to learn a little about our school routines. e.g having kai at school, (10.50-11.00.a.m. playing in the playground, what happens when the bell rings. (11.20.a.m.)
We request that an adult is present with the child for both of these visits.